National Specialty Conformation
Best of Breed: Team Z, The Diehl Family
Best of Winners: Gerzabek, Matchett and Bryant Families
Best of Opposite: Team Z, The Diehl Family
Select Dog: Debbie Echols
Select Bitch: Mike and Amber Rusk
Award of Merit: Debbie and Brian Cavanaugh
Award of Merit: Lori Price
Award of Merit: Palisades GSMD
Award of Merit: Shearwater Stables, Wayne & Carla Greenside
Award of Merit: Jo Schottinger
Award of Merit: Tina Bailey
OH Best of Breed: WTF Farms
Winners Dog: Palisades GSMD
Reserve Winner's Dog: Diane Delp
Winner's Bitch: Gerzabek, Matchett and Bryant Families
Reserve Winner's Bitch: Chloe Conrad
Best Puppy (in regular classes): Gerzabek, Matchett and Bryant Families
Best Bred-By Puppy: Showmountain GSMD, Debbie White & Eric Showalter
Best Bred-By Adult: Showmountain GSMD, Debbie White & Eric Showalter
Best Bred-By: Palisades GSMD
6-9 Month Puppy Dog: Janice Rudnick
9-12 Month Puppy Dog: Debbie Echols
12-18 Month Puppy Dog: Denise Anderson
AOH Dog: Tim Vanderhey
Bred-by Puppy Dog: Majestic Woods Swissys
Bred-by Adult Dog: Majestic Woods Swissys
Novice Dog:
Am Bred Dog: Team Stark
Open Dog: Jana Furst
6-9 Month Puppy Bitch:
9-12 Month Puppy Bitch: Gerzabek, Matchett and Bryant Families
12-18 Month Puppy Bitch: Lisa Van Driest Gable & Randy Mears
AOH Bitch: Tiffany Russo
Bred-by Puppy Bitch: Chloe Conrad
Bred-by Bitch: Ann Ryan
Novice Bitch:
Am Bred Bitch: Team Stark
Open Bitch:
Best Veteran: Liz Coit IMO Lyric, Shine and Castle
Best of Opposite Veteran: Kelly Stover
Veteran Dog 7-9 years: Kelly Stover
Veteran Dog 9-11 years: Debbie and Brian Cavanaugh
Veteran Dog 11+ years: Jan & Patrick Clifford
Veteran Bitch 7-9 years: Tracey Brant
Veteran Bitch 9-11 years: Denise Anderson
Veteran Bitch 11+ years: Kris Van Laningham
Stud Dog: Melissa Bryant
Brood Bitch: Lori Price
Generations: Liz Coit IMO Kayak, Lyric, Pele, Shine, Castle
Brace: Tamar Kiewe
Breeders Class: Kim and Doug Woollard
Reserve Breeders Class:
Best 4-6 Month Puppy: Tina Bailey
Best of Opposite 4-6 Month Puppy: Majestic Woods Swissys
Novice Junior:
Novice Intermediate:
Novice Senior:
Open Junior: Kelly Lovley
Open Intermediate: Kelly Lovley
Open Senior: Kelly Lovley
Reserve Junior Handler: Kelly Lovley
Best Junior Handler: SwissMissVille, Denise Mitterando
BEST JUNIOR HANDLER Prize money: Sue Copeland
Best of Winners: Gerzabek, Matchett and Bryant Families
Best of Opposite: Team Z, The Diehl Family
Select Dog: Debbie Echols
Select Bitch: Mike and Amber Rusk
Award of Merit: Debbie and Brian Cavanaugh
Award of Merit: Lori Price
Award of Merit: Palisades GSMD
Award of Merit: Shearwater Stables, Wayne & Carla Greenside
Award of Merit: Jo Schottinger
Award of Merit: Tina Bailey
OH Best of Breed: WTF Farms
Winners Dog: Palisades GSMD
Reserve Winner's Dog: Diane Delp
Winner's Bitch: Gerzabek, Matchett and Bryant Families
Reserve Winner's Bitch: Chloe Conrad
Best Puppy (in regular classes): Gerzabek, Matchett and Bryant Families
Best Bred-By Puppy: Showmountain GSMD, Debbie White & Eric Showalter
Best Bred-By Adult: Showmountain GSMD, Debbie White & Eric Showalter
Best Bred-By: Palisades GSMD
6-9 Month Puppy Dog: Janice Rudnick
9-12 Month Puppy Dog: Debbie Echols
12-18 Month Puppy Dog: Denise Anderson
AOH Dog: Tim Vanderhey
Bred-by Puppy Dog: Majestic Woods Swissys
Bred-by Adult Dog: Majestic Woods Swissys
Novice Dog:
Am Bred Dog: Team Stark
Open Dog: Jana Furst
6-9 Month Puppy Bitch:
9-12 Month Puppy Bitch: Gerzabek, Matchett and Bryant Families
12-18 Month Puppy Bitch: Lisa Van Driest Gable & Randy Mears
AOH Bitch: Tiffany Russo
Bred-by Puppy Bitch: Chloe Conrad
Bred-by Bitch: Ann Ryan
Novice Bitch:
Am Bred Bitch: Team Stark
Open Bitch:
Best Veteran: Liz Coit IMO Lyric, Shine and Castle
Best of Opposite Veteran: Kelly Stover
Veteran Dog 7-9 years: Kelly Stover
Veteran Dog 9-11 years: Debbie and Brian Cavanaugh
Veteran Dog 11+ years: Jan & Patrick Clifford
Veteran Bitch 7-9 years: Tracey Brant
Veteran Bitch 9-11 years: Denise Anderson
Veteran Bitch 11+ years: Kris Van Laningham
Stud Dog: Melissa Bryant
Brood Bitch: Lori Price
Generations: Liz Coit IMO Kayak, Lyric, Pele, Shine, Castle
Brace: Tamar Kiewe
Breeders Class: Kim and Doug Woollard
Reserve Breeders Class:
Best 4-6 Month Puppy: Tina Bailey
Best of Opposite 4-6 Month Puppy: Majestic Woods Swissys
Novice Junior:
Novice Intermediate:
Novice Senior:
Open Junior: Kelly Lovley
Open Intermediate: Kelly Lovley
Open Senior: Kelly Lovley
Reserve Junior Handler: Kelly Lovley
Best Junior Handler: SwissMissVille, Denise Mitterando
BEST JUNIOR HANDLER Prize money: Sue Copeland
National Specialty Puppy & Veteran Sweepstakes
Best Puppy in Sweeps:
Best of Opposite Puppy in Sweeps:
6-9 Month Puppy Dog: Jo Schottinger
9-12 Month Puppy Dog:
12-15 Month Puppy Dog:
15-18 Month Puppy Dog:
6-9 Month Puppy Bitch:
9-12 Month Puppy Bitch:
12-15 Month Puppy Bitch:
15-18 Month Puppy Bitch:
Best Veteran in Sweeps: Candice Keller
Best of Opposite Veteran in Sweeps: Cathy & John Scott
Veteran Dog 7-9 years: Ticino IMO Apollo
Veteran Dog 9-11 years: Ticino IMO Apollo
Veteran Dog 11+ years: Ticino IMO Apollo
Veteran Bitch 7-9 Years: Nancy Koury
Veteran Bitch 9-11 years: Linda Kaminski
Veteran Bitch 11+ years: Kris Van Laningham
Best Puppy in Sweeps:
Best of Opposite Puppy in Sweeps:
6-9 Month Puppy Dog: Jo Schottinger
9-12 Month Puppy Dog:
12-15 Month Puppy Dog:
15-18 Month Puppy Dog:
6-9 Month Puppy Bitch:
9-12 Month Puppy Bitch:
12-15 Month Puppy Bitch:
15-18 Month Puppy Bitch:
Best Veteran in Sweeps: Candice Keller
Best of Opposite Veteran in Sweeps: Cathy & John Scott
Veteran Dog 7-9 years: Ticino IMO Apollo
Veteran Dog 9-11 years: Ticino IMO Apollo
Veteran Dog 11+ years: Ticino IMO Apollo
Veteran Bitch 7-9 Years: Nancy Koury
Veteran Bitch 9-11 years: Linda Kaminski
Veteran Bitch 11+ years: Kris Van Laningham
Futurity & Maturity
6-9 Month Dog:
9-12 Month Dog:
6-9 Month Bitch:
9-12 Month Bitch:
Best Puppy in Futurity: Jackie Mathis
Best of Opposite Puppy in Futurity:
12-15 Month Dog:
15+ Month Dog:
12-15 Month Bitch:
15+ Month Bitch:
Best Junior in Futurity:
Best of Opposite Junior in Futurity:
Grand Futurity Winner:
Under 24 month Maturity Dog:
Under 24 month Maturity Bitch:
Best Junior in Maturity:
Best of Opposite Junior in Maturity:
Over 24 month Maturity Dog:
Over 24 month Maturity Bitch:
Best Senior in Maturity:
Best of Opposite Senior in Maturity:
Grand Maturity Winner:
6-9 Month Dog:
9-12 Month Dog:
6-9 Month Bitch:
9-12 Month Bitch:
Best Puppy in Futurity: Jackie Mathis
Best of Opposite Puppy in Futurity:
12-15 Month Dog:
15+ Month Dog:
12-15 Month Bitch:
15+ Month Bitch:
Best Junior in Futurity:
Best of Opposite Junior in Futurity:
Grand Futurity Winner:
Under 24 month Maturity Dog:
Under 24 month Maturity Bitch:
Best Junior in Maturity:
Best of Opposite Junior in Maturity:
Over 24 month Maturity Dog:
Over 24 month Maturity Bitch:
Best Senior in Maturity:
Best of Opposite Senior in Maturity:
Grand Maturity Winner:
Obedience & Rally
High in Trial: Tiffany Russo
High Combined: Debbie Fields
Novice A (1-4th):
Novice B (1-4th): Sandi & Todd Snyder
Open A (1-4th): Cornerstone GSMD
Open B (1-4th): Debbie Fields
Utility A (1-4th):
Utility B (1-4th):
Beginner Novice A (1-4th): Diane Flynn
Beginner Novice B (1-4th): Diane Flynn
Graduate Novice (1-4th):
Graduate Open (1-4th):
Veteran (1-4th):
Qualifying Leg: Jan Collins
Qualifying Leg: Jan Collins
Qualifying Leg: Jan Collins
Qualifying Leg: Jan Collins
Qualifying Leg: Chris Lero
Qualifying Leg: Chris Lero
Qualifying Leg:
Qualifying Leg:
Qualifying Leg:
Qualifying Leg:
Qualifying Leg:
Qualifying Leg:
Qualifying Leg:
Qualifying Leg:
Qualifying Leg:
Qualifying Leg:
Qualifying Leg:
Qualifying Leg:
Qualifying Leg:
Qualifying Leg:
New Title:
New Title:
New Title:
New Title:
New Title:
High Combined AdvB & Excellent B: Ramapo Greater Swiss Mountain Dogs
High Combined Triple Score:
Novice A (1-4th): Ramapo Greater Swiss Mountain Dogs
Novice B (1-4th):
Intermediate (1-4th):
Advanced A (1-4th):
Advanced B (1-4th):
Excellent A (1-4th):
Excellent B (1-4th):
Rally Master (1-4th): Martha Tubman
Choice (1-4th):
Team (1-4th): Martha Tubman
Qualifying Leg: Julie Vonada
Qualifying Leg: Jackie Mathis
Qualifying Leg: Kristy Stecker
Qualifying Leg:
Qualifying Leg:
Qualifying Leg:
Qualifying Leg:
Qualifying Leg:
Qualifying Leg:
Qualifying Leg:
Qualifying Leg:
Qualifying Leg:
Qualifying Leg:
Qualifying Leg:
Qualifying Leg:
Qualifying Leg:
Qualifying Leg:
Qualifying Leg:
Qualifying Leg:
Qualifying Leg:
Qualifying Leg:
Qualifying Leg:
Qualifying Leg:
Qualifying Leg:
Qualifying Leg:
New Title:
New Title:
New Title:
New Title:
New Title:
High in Trial: Tiffany Russo
High Combined: Debbie Fields
Novice A (1-4th):
Novice B (1-4th): Sandi & Todd Snyder
Open A (1-4th): Cornerstone GSMD
Open B (1-4th): Debbie Fields
Utility A (1-4th):
Utility B (1-4th):
Beginner Novice A (1-4th): Diane Flynn
Beginner Novice B (1-4th): Diane Flynn
Graduate Novice (1-4th):
Graduate Open (1-4th):
Veteran (1-4th):
Qualifying Leg: Jan Collins
Qualifying Leg: Jan Collins
Qualifying Leg: Jan Collins
Qualifying Leg: Jan Collins
Qualifying Leg: Chris Lero
Qualifying Leg: Chris Lero
Qualifying Leg:
Qualifying Leg:
Qualifying Leg:
Qualifying Leg:
Qualifying Leg:
Qualifying Leg:
Qualifying Leg:
Qualifying Leg:
Qualifying Leg:
Qualifying Leg:
Qualifying Leg:
Qualifying Leg:
Qualifying Leg:
Qualifying Leg:
New Title:
New Title:
New Title:
New Title:
New Title:
High Combined AdvB & Excellent B: Ramapo Greater Swiss Mountain Dogs
High Combined Triple Score:
Novice A (1-4th): Ramapo Greater Swiss Mountain Dogs
Novice B (1-4th):
Intermediate (1-4th):
Advanced A (1-4th):
Advanced B (1-4th):
Excellent A (1-4th):
Excellent B (1-4th):
Rally Master (1-4th): Martha Tubman
Choice (1-4th):
Team (1-4th): Martha Tubman
Qualifying Leg: Julie Vonada
Qualifying Leg: Jackie Mathis
Qualifying Leg: Kristy Stecker
Qualifying Leg:
Qualifying Leg:
Qualifying Leg:
Qualifying Leg:
Qualifying Leg:
Qualifying Leg:
Qualifying Leg:
Qualifying Leg:
Qualifying Leg:
Qualifying Leg:
Qualifying Leg:
Qualifying Leg:
Qualifying Leg:
Qualifying Leg:
Qualifying Leg:
Qualifying Leg:
Qualifying Leg:
Qualifying Leg:
Qualifying Leg:
Qualifying Leg:
Qualifying Leg:
Qualifying Leg:
New Title:
New Title:
New Title:
New Title:
New Title:
Weight Pull, Pack Hike, Draft
Most Weight Pulled: Tonia Adams
Most % Body Weight Pulled: Jenna Collins
Up to 89lbs:
90-109 lbs:
110-129lbs: Tonia Adams
130+ lbs:
Veteran 1st-4th:
Veteran Most Weight Pulled: Linda Kaminski
Veteran Most % Body Weight Pulled: Jenna Collins
Earned leg: Chris Lero
Earned leg: Chris Lero
Earned leg: Kristy Stecker
Earned leg:
Earned leg:
Earned leg:
Earned leg:
Earned leg:
Earned leg:
Earned leg:
Earned leg:
Earned leg:
Earned leg:
Earned leg:
Earned leg:
Earned leg:
Earned leg:
Earned leg:
Earned leg:
Earned leg:
Earned leg:
Earned leg:
Earned leg:
Earned leg:
Earned leg:
Earned leg:
Earned leg:
Earned leg:
Earned leg:
New Title:
New Title:
New Title:
New Title:
New Title:
Most Weight Pulled: Tonia Adams
Most % Body Weight Pulled: Jenna Collins
Up to 89lbs:
90-109 lbs:
110-129lbs: Tonia Adams
130+ lbs:
Veteran 1st-4th:
Veteran Most Weight Pulled: Linda Kaminski
Veteran Most % Body Weight Pulled: Jenna Collins
Earned leg: Chris Lero
Earned leg: Chris Lero
Earned leg: Kristy Stecker
Earned leg:
Earned leg:
Earned leg:
Earned leg:
Earned leg:
Earned leg:
Earned leg:
Earned leg:
Earned leg:
Earned leg:
Earned leg:
Earned leg:
Earned leg:
Earned leg:
Earned leg:
Earned leg:
Earned leg:
Earned leg:
Earned leg:
Earned leg:
Earned leg:
Earned leg:
Earned leg:
Earned leg:
Earned leg:
Earned leg:
New Title:
New Title:
New Title:
New Title:
New Title:
Qualifying Leg: Laurie Whorley
Qualifying Leg: Laurie Whorley
Qualifying Leg: Laurie Whorley
Qualifying Leg: Laurie Whorley
Qualifying Leg: Leslie Gillette
Qualifying Leg: Leslie Gillette
Qualifying Leg: Leslie Gillette
Qualifying Leg: Leslie Gillette
Qualifying Leg:
Qualifying Leg:
Qualifying Leg:
Qualifying Leg:
Qualifying Leg:
Qualifying Leg:
Qualifying Leg:
Qualifying Leg:
Qualifying Leg:
Qualifying Leg:
Qualifying Leg:
Qualifying Leg:
New Title:
New Title:
New Title:
New Title:
New Title:
Qualifying Leg: Laurie Whorley
Qualifying Leg: Laurie Whorley
Qualifying Leg: Laurie Whorley
Qualifying Leg: Laurie Whorley
Qualifying Leg: Leslie Gillette
Qualifying Leg: Leslie Gillette
Qualifying Leg: Leslie Gillette
Qualifying Leg: Leslie Gillette
Qualifying Leg:
Qualifying Leg:
Qualifying Leg:
Qualifying Leg:
Qualifying Leg:
Qualifying Leg:
Qualifying Leg:
Qualifying Leg:
Qualifying Leg:
Qualifying Leg:
Qualifying Leg:
Qualifying Leg:
New Title:
New Title:
New Title:
New Title:
New Title:
Qualifying Leg: Patricia Cowley Brown
Qualifying Leg: Patricia Cowley Brown
Qualifying Leg: Patricia Cowley Brown
Qualifying Leg: Patricia Cowley Brown
Qualifying Leg: Lisa England
Qualifying Leg: Lisa England
Qualifying Leg: Kristy Stecker
Qualifying Leg:
Qualifying Leg:
Qualifying Leg:
Qualifying Leg:
Qualifying Leg:
Qualifying Leg:
Qualifying Leg:
Qualifying Leg:
Qualifying Leg:
Qualifying Leg:
Qualifying Leg:
Qualifying Leg:
New Title:
New Title:
New Title:
New Title:
New Title:
Qualifying Leg: Patricia Cowley Brown
Qualifying Leg: Patricia Cowley Brown
Qualifying Leg: Patricia Cowley Brown
Qualifying Leg: Patricia Cowley Brown
Qualifying Leg: Lisa England
Qualifying Leg: Lisa England
Qualifying Leg: Kristy Stecker
Qualifying Leg:
Qualifying Leg:
Qualifying Leg:
Qualifying Leg:
Qualifying Leg:
Qualifying Leg:
Qualifying Leg:
Qualifying Leg:
Qualifying Leg:
Qualifying Leg:
Qualifying Leg:
Qualifying Leg:
New Title:
New Title:
New Title:
New Title:
New Title:
Novice Qualifier: Leslie Gillette
Novice Qualifier: Leslie Gillette
Novice Qualifier: Leslie Gillette
Novice Qualifier: Granite GSMD, Mary Spaar
Novice Qualifier: Granite GSMD, Mary Spaar
Novice Qualifier: Granite GSMD, Mary Spaar
Novice Qualifier: Granite GSMD, Mary Spaar
Novice Qualifier: Granite GSMD, Mary Spaar
Novice Qualifier: Lisa England
Open Qualifier: Cornerstone GSMD
Open Qualifier: Margo Kubiak
Open Qualifier: Lisa England
Open Qualifier: Lori Menninger
Open Qualifier: Lori Menninger
Brace Qualifier: Margo Kubiak
Brace Qualifier: Lori Menninger
Novice Qualifier: Leslie Gillette
Novice Qualifier: Leslie Gillette
Novice Qualifier: Leslie Gillette
Novice Qualifier: Granite GSMD, Mary Spaar
Novice Qualifier: Granite GSMD, Mary Spaar
Novice Qualifier: Granite GSMD, Mary Spaar
Novice Qualifier: Granite GSMD, Mary Spaar
Novice Qualifier: Granite GSMD, Mary Spaar
Novice Qualifier: Lisa England
Open Qualifier: Cornerstone GSMD
Open Qualifier: Margo Kubiak
Open Qualifier: Lisa England
Open Qualifier: Lori Menninger
Open Qualifier: Lori Menninger
Brace Qualifier: Margo Kubiak
Brace Qualifier: Lori Menninger
Events, Top 20 Companion Activities, Puppy Match, Ring Prizes,
Welcome Party: GSMDCA - contribution from 2022 National Specialty
Welcome Party: Swissy Club of New England
Welcome Party:
Welcome Party:
Welcome Party:
NS Weight Pull Pizza & Soft Drinks: Mid-Atlantic Greater Swiss Mountain Dog Club
TOP 20
Top 20 Winner: Melissa Jarriel
Top 20 People's Choice: Marc Sabo
Top 20 Food: Patriot GSMD Club - contribution from 2024 National Specialty
Top 20 Food: Karen & Skip Conant
Triathlete Challenge: C&P Swissy Club
Junior Triathlete Challenge: Jenna Collins
Puppy Sweepstakes:
Veteran Sweepstakes:
Futurity & Maturity:
Rally: C&P Greater Swiss Mountain Dog Club
Puppy Match:
Canine Good Citizen:
Trick Dog:
Best Puppy in Match: Houha GSMD, Lori Houha
Best of Opposite Puppy in Match: Houha GSMD, Lori Houha
Class placements:
Welcome Party: GSMDCA - contribution from 2022 National Specialty
Welcome Party: Swissy Club of New England
Welcome Party:
Welcome Party:
Welcome Party:
NS Weight Pull Pizza & Soft Drinks: Mid-Atlantic Greater Swiss Mountain Dog Club
TOP 20
Top 20 Winner: Melissa Jarriel
Top 20 People's Choice: Marc Sabo
Top 20 Food: Patriot GSMD Club - contribution from 2024 National Specialty
Top 20 Food: Karen & Skip Conant
Triathlete Challenge: C&P Swissy Club
Junior Triathlete Challenge: Jenna Collins
Puppy Sweepstakes:
Veteran Sweepstakes:
Futurity & Maturity:
Rally: C&P Greater Swiss Mountain Dog Club
Puppy Match:
Canine Good Citizen:
Trick Dog:
Best Puppy in Match: Houha GSMD, Lori Houha
Best of Opposite Puppy in Match: Houha GSMD, Lori Houha
Class placements: